Feeding Your Fears 😱

Favour Chukwunyere
2 min readJul 9, 2021

The Weekend Is Here Again!

So let’s talk about how you’ve been nurturing those little fears of yours without knowing.

When a baby is born, the mother feeds the child with breast milk. What happens to the child during that period?

Growth !!

The baby grows each passing day and develops into a toddler. From a toddler to a child, the child progresses into an adolescent and then to an adult.

What has transpired?


You birth an idea.

You develop it into a goal.

You set plans for it,

Work towards it, and

Finally, achieve it.

What would we call that? Growth as well

So now,

Have you ever imagined that harboring those little fears and feeding them with every logical and analytical reason makes them grow bigger and outweigh you?

Why then do you feed your fears? 🤷

Just imagine training/feeding a wild animal every day of your life. What happens the day there’s no food for it.

Unfortunately, you become the feed.

We want to achieve so many great things.

We want to make a move on a project.

We want to get on stage to speak to an audience.

We want to answer questions in class or interviews.

But then, there comes FEAR staring right in our faces.

Would you give up as you’ve always done and let it limit your potentials?

Unfortunately, many would. It shouldn’t be so.

You are more afraid of failure than trying out, right?

But then, failure in its entirety is a success.

Yeah, you didn’t achieve what you wished or wanted.

But then, you’ve learned one new way not to go about something. Judging from this angle, it’s a win.

You’re afraid of what people will say?

But then, you are better than those who didn’t try at all.

Stop feeding negative feelings, emotions, and concerns.

They grow.

Soon, they will outgrow you.

Stick around. I will sometime this month write to you on how to FIGHT those FEARS.

You don’t just stop feeding it and let it be right there.

Trust me. It will still grow.

It will eat off the crumbs from your table like Lazarus 😂.

You have to kick it off.

You sure can 💪.

Your’s In Love

Chukwunyere Favour C.



Favour Chukwunyere

Copywriter | Digital Marketer | Sales Expert | Public Speaker | Spoken-word Artist. I write to communicate. I write for fun. Email: chukwunyere.favvy@gmail.com